The Rick Mercer Report

Thursday, February 19, 2009

US Navy F18 Tactical Demonstration

Another milestone.

The announcement came out yesterday that we will be getting the F18C demonstration team from the US military.
It just keeps getting better.
The Snowbirds were suppose to fly into town yesterday but got held up by bad weather. There is a remote chance they still may be able to make it in today, however the weather map really isn't being friendly right now. Lots of precipitation heading this way.
We had the launch of our web site yesterday and got a lot of good reviews. We are still setting up the ticket graphics so please be patient while we get that perfected. Parking will be available close to the airport but we do recommend taking a shuttle in and out. Buses will have priority in and out. If it turns out to be a hot day, we don't want people stuck in traffic sweltering in the heat. Let the buses get you in and out. We are looking at printing coupons with the tickets so who wouldn't enjoy an easy ride out of the airport and then enjoy some Windsor hospitality.
Catch you soon!