NECAS,(Northeast Council of Air Shows) was held last weekend and we came back even more excited, if that was possible. Talk about a great group of people.
The Harvard boys were there, Dave, Spence, Kent and Az. Looking forward to seeing them over Windsor again. They were scheduled to fly in Red Bull this year but with Red Bull moving the race date, they had to honor another commitment. Windsor will be graced by their style this August. The noise of their props makes my hair stand on end. These days, that's impressive.Other news.....
The Hornet pictures were rolled out in its glossy paint job with a round of applause. We have already seen the pics coming out of the hanger,but that didn't dampen the enthusiasm about it. The painted up Tutor with the Centennaires colors and Hawk 1 will be visiting our show.
Hawk 1 will be flying with the Snowbirds. Yes with them. They will do some passes in formation and when the Snowbirds head out for warm up, Hawk 1 will do a little solo act. The Tutor Centennaire will only be used for static, but hey, I'm still very impressed. Up close and personal. A chance to get some really great close up photos.
Our ground displays are starting to grow. We will have a line up of antique vehicles and displays of remote controlled aircraft. Did I mention the huge slide?
The kids will have a blast as we are planning the boot camp. I wish I could post all that is ready but I still need a lot of confirmation. Lots to do and lots to see.
We're almost finished with setting up the ticket purchasing from Click N Print. Easy enough. Hotels are already making packages available for the weekend and beyond.
We still need volunteers to help out, so don't be shy.