If barnstormers were the most exciting daredevils of the late 1920s, then wing walkers were the most extreme and intrepid individuals among them. Barnstormers were pilots and aerial stunt people who made a living entertaining crowds with breathtaking feats around the United States and Canada during the "Roaring 20s". While all wing walkers were barnstormers, not all barnstormers performed stunts outside the safety of a plane's cockpit. Wing walkers were the ultimate risk-takers of their day. As one promoter explained to his aerial stuntman: "Don't ever forget that we're both capitalizing on [the chance of your] sudden death." The entire wing walking phenomenon was founded on a bravado mentality. Every time a wing walker headed out to perform another stunt, his or her attitude became a game of one-upmanship with his or her rivals. The underlying and unspoken attitude among them was: "Can you top this?"
Back in the days......
(Taken from US Centennial of Flight)
Following the lead of great historic wing walkers like Ormer Locklear and Jessie Woods of the 1920s, Jenny performs both atop Ol’ Smokey as well as between the wings. Braving the unyielding winds, she performs both classic wing walking stunts (such as the top wing aerobatics and inverted pass), as well as more rare maneuvers (like the Daring javelin hang) in her amazing display with Pilot Walt.
The action is on the feild. Don't forget to see the static military aircraft you can actually get in to see and feel!
Sounds of Freedom II