This is one of the biggest releases in the industry this year.
The Windsor International Air Show is the first stop on a short North American Tour for the Brazilian Air Force. We are pleased and fortunate to host this military aerobatic team as they travel a great distance to be a part of our show. They represent their country as professional and highly skilled aviators that we welcome to our air show.
Their Goals
- To stimulate and develop vocations and aeronautical mentality;
- To valorize the Brazilian Air Force and the sense of nationalism;
- To express the devotion and professionalism of the Brazilian Air Force members;
- To demonstrate the high degree of training as well as the skills of the Brazilian pilots;
- To ascertain the quality of the Brazilian aeronautical industry products;
- To contribute for a higher integration among the Brazilian Air Force and other Armed Forces;
- To stimulate a closer contact among the civilian and military segments involved in the aeronautical activity;
- To represent the Brazilian Air Force abroad as a diplomatic instrument;
- To disseminate the Social Communication policy of the Aeronautics Command; and
- To take part in the process of national integration, assuring the presence of the Brazilian Air Force in the events carried out all over the country.
We are making an official press release all over North America. Our Air Show will be an immense production this year, stay tuned, and tell your friends as this year is definitely going to be a memorable one.
Get to meet these great pilots during our Wing Off Night, Friday August 20, 2010. From what I hear the restaurants are planning new countermeasures to be the "NO Bull, Top Gun, Best of the Best Chicken Wing Cook Off" winners. The top chicken contenders will have the dubious title of having the best International Air Show Wings. That's just the way it is.
Don't miss it!