A recent article in the LA Times describes in pretty good detail how Air Shows are attracting record crowds even with the current economy. The International Council of Air Shows has seen the typical pattern in past recessions. People want value and they want it at home. Air shows deliver and then some. Just like the rest of the entertainment industry air shows have developed over the years and it's more than just watching a plane fly by. It's become more of an experience with the noise, sights and ground displays. Professional announcers with mind boggling sound systems permeate your senses and get you right into the thick of it. You can almost imagine yourself inside that aircraft tumbling, pulling g's or just feeling the thrill of it all. Just being able to look up and see them isn't enough at an air show. Performers want to interact with the people and get to know them. Fighter pilots enjoy quick stories on how they cope or how they brag, if just a little. It's an amazing job, flying in an air show. Walk up and get an autograph. Attend one of the celebrations after the show.
It is a very reasonable cost and the value is extremely high.
Just to give spectators the amount of value they get from an airshow, I am posting the price of other events and you can see the best value. Once a spectator gets to an air show they will see how much value for their money they actually get. Some people will always stand outside the fence and say they watched a great show, but the real experience is being a part of the show rather than watching it. You can watch a ball game or hockey game from the stands but at an air show you get to see the aircraft up close and get to chat with the pilots who fly them.
For instance,
A good seat at a ball game. Not a nose bleed, but one where you are as close to the action as possible.
Let's look at a family of four.
$77 x 4 = $308
$10 for parking
$15 x 4 = $60 (Food Concessions)
This brings the total to $378 for about 3 hours in a seat watching.
Football, again good seats, not nosebleeds.
$180 x 4 = $720 (I had to divide it up because the tickets are in 5 game packages)
$20 for parking
$15 x 4 = $60 ( Food Concessions)
This brings the total to $800 for about 3 hours in a seat watching.
$100 x 4 = $400
$20 for parking
$15 x 4 = $60 (Food and Concessions)
This brings the total to $480 for about three hours in a seat watching.
Okay so you see how much time you get for the amount of money you pay which of course is your value.
Let's visit the Air Show price.
$100 for Two adults and two children for two(2) days. That's 16 tickets total.
$20 for VIP parking, or take a shuttle for $8
$15 x 4 = $60 Food and Concessions.
This brings the air show total to $180 for 16 hours of entertainment. The major aspect is you get to be a part of the show and mingle. Try that at the next baseball, football, or hockey game. We also have the biggest variety to see and do than any other event.
It's a chance for the family to come out together, walk around, and sit down and enjoy some absolutely fantastic flying from some of the best in the world.
Catch the Experience.